Become a Google City Expert

Google City Experts

Everyone defaults to loves Google Search, and I’m not even going to explain why people are interested in Google Reviews beyond one point.

It’s about rankings.

That’s not a secret, and if you think Google Reviews are 5 star, please leave a comment, explain your opinion, and be thorough with examples.

I’d say Google Reviews are average at best, 3 stars. Ever since Google made the reviews part of the local search recipe, there has been an interest in faking reviews. Just another example of Google driving spam, but at least keeping it on their yard.

Reviews are like news, bad travels faster than good and you shouldn’t believe a word of it.

Of course reviews are fake. And that is the gulf of trust that needs to be bridged. This is what authorship is about. Who are the trusted?

Google is looking for experts as we speak.

You can become a Google City Expert in the following cities: Austin, Birmingham (UK), Bristol (UK), Chicago, Edinburgh, London, New York, Portland (OR), Phoenix, Raleigh-Durham,  San Francisco, Sydney, and possibly “Other”.  As a City Expert you will receive:

  • Access to fun, exclusive events in their local areas*
  • Free custom swag
  • Special online recognition

Also, that’s an example of value proposition; become a Google City Expert, get swag.
