Is Google Vulnerable?
Google has been a darling of the Internet since it’s launch in 1998. Innovative, slick, smart, easy, and relevant. Google worked hard to make the Internet a better place and has succeeded largely offering many free products for webmasters to improve the user experience of everyone using the Internet. Despite the obvious search bar on […]
Should SEO Be Renamed?
Search Engine Optimization is the long form of the dreaded acronym of SEO with a long history of nefarious characters and scams along with porn, pills, & casinos, the original PPC, and that’s why. Dirty filthy money to be made. People’s deepest wishes “whispered” to a search engine. I think the search engine is the […]
What Are the Most Expensive AdWords Keywords?
The most expensive adwords clicks are typically for legal and financial related searches. Clients for mortgages and legal matters bring in more bucks and there are a more limited number. The economy as a whole is only going to sell so many houses and the courts can only handle so many cases. © 2011 WordStream, […]
Google+ Tips-The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Google Plussers
Published on Aug 9, 2013 Google+ Tips video based on Mike Allton’s popular article “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Google Plussers.” Effective Google Plussers uses these habits everyday. Are you practicing these habits on a daily basis? These are tips that can help you expand your influence, connect with new people, and show others […]
Inconsistent Data Within Google Webmaster Tools & Analytics
Secure search and keyword not provided has caused a pretty big shake up. Google’s answer to the lack of keyword data in Google Analytics is to go use the data that is in Google Webmaster Tools. Ok, there’s just one problem with that. Google Webmaster Tools for keyword data, 75% of impressions & 85% of […]
Our Best Blog Post So Far
When you are running a start-up there are a lot of firsts and a lot of records set. Either way yesterday was a banner day for us a piece of content that we ran about what not to send out in a press release. I saw the initial piece on the The Next Web and […]
Local Man Has No Idea How To Press Release
Press releases have been re-purposed in the Internet era. Press releases only used to go out when you wanted to get a story in the newspaper. Newspapers always needed, and still need, copy to fill the space in-between the ads for their reading public. In the SEO world press releases were put out there when […]
Google Shifts to Hummingbird & 100% (not provided)
Google Hummingbird itself isn’t a big deal. It’s already been in place and rolled out and formally announced. The algorithm changes have been coming and Google telegraphs these updates before they happen so their users can adapt. If you have a forward-thinking strategy, the algorithm updates shouldn’t upset you too much. If you didn’t adopt […]
Rank #1 In Google Guaranteed!
When you hear, “Rank #1 In Google Guaranteed!”, you need to know that you are being sold. And by sold, I mean lied to.
Fresh Spam Comments
Going through comment spam is tedious and mundane, and I dislike it almost as much as I resist setting out to write. No one likes spam, but when my clients complain about getting spam comments I tell them that it is just a sign that you are doing something right, just DON’T APPROVE IT!!! Linking […]
Post to LinkedIn Company Page with Buffer
It’s finally here. Buffer added support for LinkedIn Company Pages. The users of Buffer have been asking for this feature, and sure enough, the good people at Buffer responded. They had just added Google+ Pages support too, but that wasn’t good enough. Sure, Buffer was fine if you were a person and only needed to […]
LiveFyre Acquires Storify
Livefyre acquires Storify, it’s much bigger than just the comment section.
Google Authorship Tips
Google released a FAQ on Authorship and some of the finer points of implementing it into the real world.
Schedule Google+ Posts With Buffer
Buffer has added Google+ Pages to their easy to use social media manager.
New Acquisition Under Our Boot
When SEO Bandwagon was started it was just an idea to come up with a clever name to make fun of everyone getting into the industry. A good way to expose shoddy, deficient, lackluster ‘SEO’ More like exposing spammers. When I struck out on my own as a SEO freelancer I used my personal brand […]
Will Google be evaluating the use of rel=”author” moving forward?
Yes. The future is things, not strings. As in search strings. Things as in marked up things. Authors can lend authority to publications, it’s not just about the domain name. These kind of common sense ideas will hopefully make for a better and more easy to understand web. Love the one word answer in the […]
Yahoo! Tops Google Traffic August 2013
Did anyone feel a little earthquake last night? The unthinkable happened the other day. When ComScore released their monthly report on Internet traffic Google was off of it’s top spot for the first time since 1998. That’s quite a run. Yahoo! beat them. After you pick your jaws off the floor, more like Yahoo! AND […]
LinkedIn Company Pages, Setup & Management
LinkedIn Company Pages are a completely different animal than the personal profile that we went over last week. Your LinkedIn profile is like your online resume, it’s out there to get you interviews. Company Pages have a different audience unless you are marketing to HR managers and recruiters. It doesn’t matter whether you are B2B […]
5 Tips For Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn branded itself as the social network for professionals. It has outlasted MySpace, Friendster, and may yet outlast Facebook. Your LinkedIn profile is meant to highlight your work, not your weekend. The forthright counterpart to Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is not the place for a funny profile pic or even jokes in your status update. It’s […]
Schedule Social Media Posts With Buffer
People who never shut up don’t get listened to, they get ignored. “What are you talking? AGAIN?” Have you ever seen someone you follow make about half-a-dozen rapid fire Tweets or Likes? You probably have, and you probably skimmed right past them. It’s poor user experience and poor content promotion. So, when you are taking your […]
All About Spam
Chances are you have run into spam. Crappy text, crappy links for cheap viagra or Louis Voutton handbags, endless cycles of page redirects like a labyrinth. Google has a preference for dealing with things algorithmically, but there has always been a strong suspicion that Google took manual action to fight spam or to even ‘penalize’ […]
Internet Password Security Tips
Internet password security usually takes a back seat to memorability. Based on anecdotal evidence, passwords are based on something that is easy to remember, and usually contains a bit of personal information (birthday, phone number, names of family members). And then that password gets used over and over again. Most people, aren’t at much of […]
Kansas City + Google Fiber FTW
In a previous post we alluded that Google has changed the landscape of the Internet. That’s a massive understatement. It’s not just their search engine, it’s the tools that they developed to improve the Internet for ‘user experience’. Sure, Google is an easy target, but on the whole, I think that their impact has largely […]
Google Goes “In-Depth”
Google is rolling out another new search feature that they say will impact, and help, 10% of daily searches are for topics more complicated than finding out some specific piece of trivia or directions to a local business. Check out some of the suggested searches for this new feature from Google’s blog: population growth, capital punishment and e-waste. None of […]
Pinterest For Business
Pinterest is one of the most popular social networks in terms of number of users. Facebook, Twitter still lead, but depending on the study Pinterest use is equal to or exceeding that of Twitter. Pinterest for business is a huge opportunity for businesses to engage with customers on social media. Pinterest is highly engaging and […]