If you are looking to showcase your digital marketing skills, new strategies, WordPress product, or other website platform or technology tips you can submit an original and unique guest post on SEO Bandwagon.
If it’s close to the services we provide and it’s interesting we will publish it. Just be interesting and on-topic.
Our requirements for publication are:
- Original Unique Content
- Easy to read, understand, and has no grammatical, spelling, or other errors.
- Author Profile on our site and a Gravatar on WordPress.com
- No Link Litter, Affiliate Links, Advertising, Paid Promotional Content, or other forms of spam.
- Use at least two images that you have rights to use or are royalty-free
You must be a registered site user and we charge for review and editing your guest post. We may not approve it just because you paid, but we reserve the right to not publish your piece if you refuse to follow the guidelines and your guest post doesn’t get published.